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Signature Wild by Ventvenir

Signature Wild written by @ventvenir 🖤Time to reap the fruits | Час пожинати плодиOctober is gone, and with it the last warm fall days. The crop is harvested. The one that will help to survive the approaching winter. Dried fruits with their viscous sweetness will make gloomy days more bearable, while herbal tinctures will add to them some bright colors. Dusty-sweet cinnamon will warm you from the inside, and for the outer part there is a dark-brown leather coat. Softer than kisses. However, kisses won’t hurt you too. Or will they?The crop is harvested. In every sense.It’s time to reap the fruits.In every sense. —— Жовтень минув, а з ним й останні теплі осінні дні. Врожай зібран. Той, що допоможе...

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