Signature Wild written by @ventvenir 🖤Time to reap the fruits | Час пожинати плодиOctober is gone, and with it the last warm fall days. The crop is harvested. The one that will help to survive the approaching winter. Dried fruits with their viscous sweetness will make gloomy days more bearable, while herbal tinctures will add to them some bright colors. Dusty-sweet cinnamon will warm you from the inside, and for the outer part there is a dark-brown leather coat. Softer than kisses. However, kisses won’t hurt you too. Or will they?The crop is harvested. In every sense.It’s time to reap the fruits.In every sense. —— Жовтень минув, а з ним й останні теплі осінні дні. Врожай зібран. Той, що допоможе...
“I like the night, I have clearer ideas in the dark.”- Serge Gainsbourg As we move into the colder months, Art de Parfum invites you to embrace their range of autumnal fragrances with sultry, smoky, woody notes which reflect the aromas of the season ahead. First we have Le Joker our seventh fragrance of our collection, released in the depths of 2020. This fragrance truly electrifies the most nuanced perfume addict.. “For me, it combines darkness & eccentric with warmth and confidence. The discrepancy between the controlled face we show on the outside and all the overwhelming feelings, thoughts, insecurity + confusion we carry on the inside. Characteristics I can completely relate to.” - Written by @stilblut Shop Le Joker Next......
"It has just rained, you breathe in humid air and walk through a forest. "Kimono Vert" authentically captures the vegetation and climate around Kyoto (Sagano Bamboo Forest) for me. An ethereal floral green fragrance that has an airy, fresh and watery character. I perceive soothing nuances of eucalyptus and green tea. A nice, cool and soothing perfume for warmer days." written by @about_scents (English translation)----"Es hat gerade geregnet, man atmet feuchte Luft ein und läuft durch einen Wald. „Kimono Vert“ fängt authentisch die Vegetation und das Klima rund um Kyoto (Sagano Bambuswald) für mich ein. Ein ätherisch blumiger, grüner Duft der einen luftigen, frischen und wässrigen Charakter hat. Ich nehme beruhigende Nuancen von Eukalyptus und grünem Tee wahr. Ein...
“In perfumery basically you are having a conversation. It’s always a blank piece of paper to tell your narrative. My ideas are not limited by the budget or board meetings. All creative process takes place in your head. The most interesting ideas come anywhere in the garage, shower, etc. You just need not to limit yourself thinking that you can’t make a blockbuster”.
- Ruta Degutyte, Founder & CEO of Art de Parfum📷 - @molekules_boutique
We may not know this but a piece of clothing can have a far deeper meaning than just a cover for our skin and to protect our modesty. A symbol of longevity and good fortune, prosperity and growth, the traditional Japanese kimono offers more to the wearer than simply cloth on their back. It’s grounding, individualistic and a reminder of where we came from and who we hope to be. In fact, the kimono has a unique and extensive history worth sharing and also has become an inspiration for a scent, find out more in The Scented Kimono Photo Harry Stonhill Imagery Hajar Djouahra The first ancestors of the kimono date back to the Heian period in Japan (794-1192). Straight...