One day you smell some spring in the air and another it’s snowing. It is the right time to take out my Kimono Vert for a walk outdoors... review by @followzenose
Excentrique Moi written and photographed by @ventvenir 🌙——
November to remember | Листопад назгадку“Green-yellow leaves resist to die,as if have forgotten they would rise.The dawn is in the smoke of black tea,just don’t turn on the light, please.The air is filled with bitter pomegranates,the winter breath wants us to sleep.All the leaves have fallen to rise,November leaves to be remembered.”“Зелено-жовте листя противиться вмирати,так, ніби забуло, що прийде час повставати.Світанок окутий димкою чорного чаю,тільки не вмикай світла, я благаю.В осінньому повітрі гіркість гранатів,подих зими спробує нас приспати.Але листя впало, щоб піднятись,Листопад йде, щоб запам‘ятатись.”Inspired by Excentrique Moi @artdeparfum
Encore Une Fois written by @evshan_zillya “My seaMy cityMyLoved this perfume!Gentle, loud, wave after wave, covering with beauty, like an element from all sides. This is a sea of gray salty amber, a sea for the city, where it is like a dream, it is a thousand steps through the streets .. waiting for something important .. once againIncense that floats through the cities, from under the gates of real temples that were never built .. peonies are predators from dreams, ambergris is as salty as the thoughts with which today .. and patchouli, because what is it without them?”Art de Parfum Encore Une Fois 🖤(english translation) —— “Моє море Моє місто Моє Захопив цей парфум! Лагідний , гучний ,...
“I like the night, I have clearer ideas in the dark.”- Serge Gainsbourg As we move into the colder months, Art de Parfum invites you to embrace their range of autumnal fragrances with sultry, smoky, woody notes which reflect the aromas of the season ahead. First we have Le Joker our seventh fragrance of our collection, released in the depths of 2020. This fragrance truly electrifies the most nuanced perfume addict.. “For me, it combines darkness & eccentric with warmth and confidence. The discrepancy between the controlled face we show on the outside and all the overwhelming feelings, thoughts, insecurity + confusion we carry on the inside. Characteristics I can completely relate to.” - Written by @stilblut Shop Le Joker Next......
A green kimono | Зелене кімоно“What does it smell so good?”, my family members asked when I came to visit them. And really, what did it smell so good? Maybe it was a morning cup of green tea with mint, inspiring and, at the same time, calming. And a fragile crystal bowl with ripe plums from own garden. Maybe it was the scent of a silk green kimono stored in the closet together with aromatic eucalyptus leaves. And a thin layer of invisible powder on the neck. Was it the scent of Kimono Vert @artdeparfum? Yes, it was.«Що це так гарно пахне?» - запитали мене мої рідні, коли я прийшла їх провідати. І справді, що це так гарно пахло? Можливо,...